Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And the winner is.....

Sorry for the delay, we ended up with company and I did not get time to draw.  Since there were only two entries, I thought about flipping a coin but went ahead and used random generator anyway. Here is the winning comment.

So Kelly, you win the stamp and supplies!  

Be sure to keep watching for another giveaway in the next few weeks. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have had people tell me they were unable to comment on the blog giveaway post. I am unsure what the problem was, I am assuming it is with blogger since I could not comment on this post the first few times I tried until I was logged in. Hopefully the next time it will not be an issue.

  3. Thanks, Tanya! I'll just pick up the stuff at the next class I attend. :)


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